A downloadable tool

This tool use Houdini Software to Unity to generate a procedural terrain in Lego's Brick. You need to import Houdini engine for Unity to use this tool !


  • Edit heightfield as a Unity terrain, change size, amplitude, random generation and colors.
  • You can dig lake with sphere.
  • You can add path with curve, modify number of slab and their color, modify street lights colors, numbers, heights. 
  • You can add procedural houses and modify parameters like : size walls, number of windows, their size, the height and the width for the door.
  • You can import object Fbx and convert them in Lego's Brick.
  • Use some prcedural bricks


You could find a demo level with a little Narrative Story about a war between two clans of penguins. Explore our lego's world and find all of easter eggs.



HoudiniLegoTool.unitypackage V0.8 147 MB

Install instructions

You need to import Houdini engine for Unity in your project before

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